
$ spack find


$ spack find --help
usage: spack find [-hdplLNcfumvM] [--format FORMAT | -H | --json] [--groups] [--no-groups] [-t TAG]
                  [--show-full-compiler] [-x | -X] [--loaded] [--deprecated] [--only-deprecated]
                  [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE]

list and search installed packages

positional arguments:
  installed_specs       constraint to select a subset of installed packages

optional arguments:
  --deprecated          show deprecated packages as well as installed specs
  --end-date END_DATE   latest date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]
  --format FORMAT       output specs with the specified format string
  --groups              display specs in arch/compiler groups (default on)
  --json                output specs as machine-readable json records
  --loaded              show only packages loaded in the user environment
  --no-groups           do not group specs by arch/compiler
  --only-deprecated     show only deprecated packages
  --show-full-compiler  show full compiler specs
  --start-date START_DATE
                        earliest date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]
  -H, --hashes          same as '--format {/hash}'; use with xargs or $()
  -L, --very-long       show full dependency hashes as well as versions
  -M, --only-missing    show only missing dependencies
  -N, --namespaces      show fully qualified package names
  -X, --implicit        show only specs that were installed as dependencies
  -c, --show-concretized
                        show concretized specs in an environment
  -d, --deps            output dependencies along with found specs
  -f, --show-flags      show spec compiler flags
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --long            show dependency hashes as well as versions
  -m, --missing         show missing dependencies as well as installed specs
  -p, --paths           show paths to package install directories
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     filter a package query by tag (multiple use allowed)
  -u, --unknown         show only specs Spack does not have a package for
  -v, --variants        show variants in output (can be long)
  -x, --explicit        show only specs that were installed explicitly