Wait for set of qsub jobs to complete - Stack Overflow

$ qsub -N job1 -cwd ./job1_script
$ qsub -N job2 -cwd ./job2_script
$ qsub -N job3 -cwd ./job3_script
$ qsub -hold_jid job1,job2,job3 -cwd ./results_script


-N name
      Available for qsub, qsh, qrsh, qlogin and qalter only.

      The name of the job. The name should follow the "name" definition  in  sge_types(5).
      Invalid job names will be denied at submit time.

      If  the  -N option is not present, Grid Engine assigns the name of the job script to
      the job after any directory pathname has been removed from the script name.  If  the
      script is read from standard input, the job name defaults to STDIN.

      In the case of qsh or qlogin with the -N option is absent, the name "INTERACTIVE" or
      "QLOGIN" respectively is assigned to the job.

      In the case of qrsh if the -N option is absent, the resulting job name is determined
      from  the  qrsh command line by using the argument string up to the first occurrence
      of a semicolon or whitespace and removing the directory pathname.  With no  command,
      "QRLOGIN" is used.

      Qalter allows changing this option even while the job executes.

      The  value  specified  with this option or the corresponding value specified in qmon
      will be passed to defined JSV instances as parameter with the  name  N.   (See  -jsv
      option above or find more information concerning JSV in jsv(1).)
-hold_jid wc_job_list
      Available  for qsub, qrsh, and qalter only. See sge_types(5).  For the definition of

      Defines or redefines the job dependency list of the submitted job.  A  reference  by
      job name or pattern is only accepted if the referenced job is owned by the same user
      as the referring job. The submitted job is not eligible  for  execution  unless  all
      jobs  referenced  in the comma-separated job id and/or job name list have completed.
      If any of the referenced jobs exits with exit  code  100,  the  submitted  job  will
      remain ineligible for execution.

      With  the help of job names or regular patterns, one can specify a job dependency on
      multiple jobs satisfying the regular pattern, or on  all  jobs  with  the  requested
      name.  The name dependencies are resolved at submit time and can only be changed via
      qalter. New jobs or name changes of other jobs will not be taken into  account.   To
      remove a job dependency list with qalter, use a null wc_job_list, i.e. use
         qalter -hold_jid '' ...

      Qalter allows changing this option even while the job executes. The modified parame‐
      ter will only be in effect after a restart or migration of the job, however.

      If this option or a corresponding value in qmon is specified then this value will be
      passed  to  defined  JSV  instances  as parameter with the name hold_jid.  (See -jsv
      option below or find more information concerning JSV in jsv(1).)